This is my final project for intersection, Arts week in Flemington Community Centre, 25 Alexander Rd. Debneys Park. We have 3 weeks started from 21 April till 11 May to finished the projects. I also design the invitation card with Ute.
The opening night was on Tuesday 12 May 4.30 pm.
My project are an installation of 100 origami wishes of crane birds in a tree. Location : BBQ area near Community Centre, Flemington. I through a lot of process before the installation day. Origami crane is a symbol of long life and happiness in Japan. According to Japanese legend, folding 1000 cranes will make your wish come true. Tradition of senbazuru (1000 paper cranes), if you make 1000 crane, you can make a wish. I made only 200 crane for 3 weeks with different sizes and colours. 100 wishes from different people, different handwriting and language. It was fun and good experience to me. My work titled 'sweet dreams' dedicated to all of people in this world and of course special to people who live in flemington flats. Most of them are refugee from Somali, Africa, Vietnam and China. I believed they have a dreams and wish. I hope all their dreams come true. :)
the process (21 april - 11 april 2009)
I made 200 crane within 3 weeks. I love them. There are so lovely. I made them while I spend my day watching television, drink coffee, eat cookies and chatting with friends..hahha. It was fun.
installation day (12 may 2009)
I wish on that day the weather is fine and hope everything fine. Yes! My crane birds float and flew nicely. They looked so gorgeous and colourful. ~success :)
the wishes
100 wishes with different writing, language and from different person. How i wish i can make 1000 crane birds. But its still worth it eventhough i just made 200 crane. I'm so happy when look at people with their smile while read the wishes. Great!
what left (15 & 17 may 2009)
This is few crane birds left after 5 days in the tree. I realised the community respond on this work. I really dont mind they kept them. Hope they will continue to make the crane or install in different space. Hope to see them in future. :D
make a wish...............................................................................................................................
Sadako and the thousand paper cranes, written by Eleanor Coerr, 1977. I found this book from wikipedia. This book based on true story of a girl name Sadako Sasaki, who lived in Hiroshima at the time of the atomic bombing. She survived the bombing only to die of radiation poisoning ten years later. She began folding paper cranes while spent her time in a medical ward. She hope of making a thousand cranes and to make one wish, which was to live. She managed to fold 644 cranes before she became to weak and died. Her bird cranes become a symbol of world peace. Located in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima, Sadako is immortalized at the top of the statue, The Children's Peace Monument is a monument for peace, where she holds a crane. It was design by artists Kazuo Kikuchi and Kiyoshi Ikebe. Her story was very famous and has been translated to many language and published in many places.
may 5, 1958, Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima.
The Children's Peace Monument, Hiroshima.